

Blending of emulsions and high viscosity products up to with powerful side-swipe mixers and jacketed tanks capable of hot and cold mixing.

Blending of volatile and evaporative mixtures in pressurized reactors.

Blending of liquids and suspensions.

Bulk storage for surfactants, hydrogen peroxide, IP and SD alcohol

Homogenization, chilling and filtration and de-aeration

Direct line transfer of liquids to production

Filling and Capping

Volumetric and fluidic controlled filling of liquids into plastic or glass containers from under 0.5 fluid ounces to gallons

High-speed piston controlled filling of high viscosity lotions, pastes and creams into plastic, laminate or metal tubes from under 0.1 ounces to over 4 ounces.

Gravity/pressure filling of high foaming liquids

High-throughput hot fill of waxes, gels and evaporative solids

Induction seal and child-resistant capping. Ratchet locking lotion pumps and mist sprayers

Ultra-sonic sealing for thermo-form containers

Labeling and Coding

Front, back and wrap-around adhesive film and paper labels

Spot labeling for pull-off coupons

Full-body shrink labels and tamper-evident heat-shrink neck bands

Lot and expiration date thermal coding of labels

Lot, line and expiration date ink jet coding for containers, folding cartons and shippers

Lot and expiration date embossing of crimp/seal for tubes